
The Realmax100 enhances a training experience, allowing it to be both more authentic, and more of a team activity.

A typical training or presentation scenario involves  a class of delegates – it could be 5 or 200 – all wearing Realmax glasses. Through the power of the Reality8 multi-user platform, all users will see the same augmented content, located as decided by the teacher. 

If the presenter triggers an animation, or invites a delegate to interact with the augmented 3d scene, then any changes to the visualization will be instantly visible to all. 

Tsinghua University in Beijing China, have developed a training platform that uses the Realmax-100 glasses for the teaching of Physics to high school students, and the teaching of fire-safety for under graduates.

Another Realmax partner, is currently developing a fire-arms safety application that will be used in the weapons training of Police and public security officers. Please contact for more information on this, or if you would like to develop a training app built on the Realmax and Reality8 training platform. 

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